WRISC is seeking corporate and individual support so our organisation can continue to provide important family violence service delivery.
PROBLEM: WRISC’s laptops routinely need replacing. Laptops are WRISC’s most important tool in our work and being able to support with laptop provision enables WRISC to focus more on exemplary direct service provision.
SOLUTION: WRISC needs 30 new laptops and is sending a call-out to the community for assistance. We have a supplier in place who will provide suitable laptops to meet WRISC’s service requirements at a current price of $2000 per laptop.
Or, please send direct credit to: WRISC Family Violence Support Inc.
- BSB: 063 507
- Acc: 1004 2491
- Ref: Laptop project
If you wish, WRISC will publicise you or your organisation’s support on the website, newsletters and/or the annual report.