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Services that can help

Victoria Police

Identify and investigate incidents of family violence, provide safety and support to affected family members and prosecute persons accused of criminal offenses arising from family violence.
Phone: 000 in an emergency, other contact your local police station.
Ballarat: (03) 5336 6000
Bacchus Marsh: (03) 5366 4500
Daylesford: (03) 5348 2342

Safe Steps

Victorian statewide 24 hour crisis support and safe accommodation (refuges) for women and their children.
Phone: Toll Free: 1800 015 188
Website: Safe Steps


National sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service for people living in Australia.
Phone: 1800 737 732
Website: 1800 Respect


Support a friend or family member experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault – a national campaign to help Australians recognise the signs of intimate partner violence and how best to support someone.
Website: 1800 Respect Support

The Orange Door

The Orange Door is a free service (State of Victoria) for adults, children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children.

Website:  The Orange Door

Phone:  1800 219 819


For immigrant women who are victims of family violence.
Phone: (03) 9413 6800 or 1800 755 988
Website: InTouch

Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria (FVPLS Victoria)

Phone: (03) 9244 3333 or Toll free: 1800 105 303
Website: Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention

Elizabeth Hoffman House

Aboriginal Women’s Family Violence Service
Phone: 1800 796 112 or (03) 9482 5744, Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm.

Victims of Crime Helpline

Offers counselling, advice and referrals to assist all victims of violence, including information on court procedures, the Victims Register and details of financial assistance.
Phone: 1800 819 817, Monday – Friday 8:30am – 11:00pm
Website: Victim of Crime Helpline

Centres Against Sexual Assault (CASA)

A free confidential 24 hour emergency or crisis care service for victims/survivors who have recently been sexually assaulted. This includes crisis counselling support and may include access to medical care and legal processes.
Phone: 1800 806 292 (24 hours) or Ballarat: 5320 3933
Website: CASA

Women’s Information & Referral Exchange (WIRE)

Telephone information, support and referral for women.
Toll free: 1300 134 130 or Hearing Impaired: 13 36 77, Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Website: WIRE

Kids Help Line

Telephone counseling for children and young people. This service also provides support for Australians under 18 years old through email and online counseling.
Toll Free: 1800 551 800
Website: Kids Help Line

ReachOut Parents

ReachOut Parents is a not for profit organisation in Australia which helps parents support their teenagers through everyday issues and tough times. There are resources for young people up to 25, parents and schools, covering a wide range of issues including domestic violence and cyber-bullying.
Website:  ReachOut Parents

Seniors Rights Victoria

Seniors Rights Victoria provides information, support, advice and education to help prevent elder abuse and safeguard the rights, dignity and independence of older people.
For help with elder abuse.
Phone: 1300 368 821.
Website: Seniors Rights Victoria

Women’s Legal Service Victoria

Legal phone advice line concerning family violence and family law.
Phone: (03) 9642 0877 or Toll free: 1800 133 032
Website: Women’s Legal Service Victoria

Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service

Free 24 hour legal advice and representation to members of the Koori community.
Phone: (03) 9419 3888 or Toll free: 1800 064 865
Website: Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service

Child Protection Crisis Line

To report concerns of child physical and/or sexual abuse
Phone: 131 278 (24 hours, toll free)

Child First, Greater Grampians

Child FIRST is a single referral point for Family Services in Ballarat and surrounding areas jointly delivered by CAFS Ballarat and partner agencies.
Phone: (03) 5337 3388 or 1300 783 341, Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm.

Men’s Referral Service

The Men’s Referral Service takes calls from Australian men dealing with family and domestic violence matters. If your behaviour has brought you into contact with the police or courts and you’re facing issues such as an intervention order, behaviour change, anger management, access or custody, then it’s time you gave us a call.
Phone: 1300 766 491
Website: Men’s Referral Service

MensLine Australia

Mensline Australia is a professional telephone and online support and information service for Australian men.
Phone: 1300 78 99 78 – 24 hours, 7 days a week
Website: MensLine Australia


The Safe+Equal website contains a Resource Library.  Safe+Equal was formed by the merger of Domestic Violence Victoria + Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria. A resource for workers supporting women’s safety in Victoria, victim-survivors of family violence, family/friends wanting to support someone experiencing family violence and the Victorian community in general.
Website: Safe+Equal